Academic Staff
- Polly Palmerini
Lecturerp.palmerini@mmu.ac.uk / SODA Building - Dawn Parke
Senior Lecturer, Architectured.parke@mmu.ac.uk / Manchester Technology Centre - Dr Clive Parkinson
Director, Arts for Health - Gavin Parry
Head of Media - Dr Marianne Patera
Senior Lecturerm.patera@mmu.ac.uk / SODA Building - Dr David Penny
Senior Lecturer, Photography - Professor Sarah Perks
Professor of Visual Art
Artistic Associate, HOMEs.perks@mmu.ac.uk / Righton Building - Dr Franziska Pilling
Lecturer, Interior Designf.pilling@mmu.ac.uk / Lowry Building - Professor Michael Pinchbeck
Professor of Theatrem.pinchbeck@mmu.ac.uk / 70 Oxford Street - Sue Platt
Senior Lecturer, Graphic Design - Mark Alexander Porter
Senior Lecturerm.porter@mmu.ac.uk / (building not known) - Dr Gemma Potter
Research Associateg.latham@mmu.ac.uk / Chatham Building 307/308 - Dr Rob Potts
Lecturerr.potts@mmu.ac.uk / SODA Building - Tristan Poyser
Lecturert.poyser@mmu.ac.uk / SODA Building