Dr Gemma Potter
Research Associate
Gemma is Research Associate at Manchester Metropolitan University working across the Materiality and Making, Community, Culture & Heritage research group within the Design Hub and is currently project managing the Arts Council Capital Development funded Stockport Creative Campus project as part of MCR Design Factory. As a participatory practitioner researcher she is interested in the transformative qualities of making, and seeks to capture, interpret and make explicit inarticulable experiences.
As one of twelve AHRC funded PhD studentships of Transformation North West, her recently completed doctoral research investigated crossovers between craft and gaming, asking what value these overlaps could provide for Industry in the North West. By utilizing creative practice, her research contributes to our theoretical understanding of the relationship between craft practices and videogames, and sheds light on the potential value of this relationship in contexts beyond individual practices through the creation of a series of “graft-games”.
Having recently taken over as Co-Editor of the Craft Research Journal, Gemma is passionate about supporting the growth of this important field of study.
Cocchiarella, F., Potter, G., 2023. 'MancDesign': a manifesto of principles, propositions and potential in relation to Manchester, people and place., 17/4/2023 - 23/4/2023.
Journal Articles
Egan, K., Turner-Pemberton, B., Potter, G., 2024. '"Out of Place": Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Virtual Space', Textile: the journal of cloth and culture, 22 (3), pp. 534-546.
Potter, G., Beards, L.F., 2024. 'British Textile Biennial: Affirming the Roots of Textiles in East Lancashire and the Contemporary Curatorial Venture', Textile: Cloth and Culture, 22 (3), pp. 528-533.
Niedderer, K., Townsend, K., Potter, G., 2024. 'Editorial', Craft Research, 15 (1), pp. 3-11.
Townsend, K., Potter, G., Pagett, B., 2024. 'Entanglements of craft: Between nature, culture and economy', Craft Research, 15 (2), pp. 183-189.
Potter, G., 2024. 'Material, gesture and touch: Ingrid Murphy, the playful ceramicist', Craft Research, 15 (1), pp. 127-139.
Niedderer, K., Townsnd, K., Potter, G., 2023. 'Making: Place, material and metaphor', Craft Research, 14 (2), pp. 191-198.
Conference Papers
Micklethwaite, P., Potter, G., Bason, P., 2024. ''Reframing Stockport' - Innovation coloniality?', DFGN UnBoxed 2024, Bogota, 3/10/2024 - 4/10/2024, in https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/items/3a0cd554-b8bb-4d64-9f8d-df34dbb12243, pp. 14-17.
Latham, G., 2023. 'Graft-games: experiential prototyping for the exploration of crossovers between craft and gaming', EKSIG 2023: From Abstractness to Concreteness - experiential knowledge and the role of prototypes in design research, Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, 19/6/2023 - 20/6/2023, in International Conference 2023 of the Design Research Society Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge (EKSIG) Conference Proceedings: From Abstractness to Concreteness - experiential knowledge and the role of prototypes in design research, pp. 848-863.
Latham, G., Brock, T., 2019. 'Failure in videogames: similarities and differences to textile craft', 2019 DiGRA International Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix, Kyoto, Japan, 6/8/2019 - 10/8/2019, in DiGRA '19 - proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA international conference: game, play and the emerging ludo-mix, 3.