Fox, S., Mitchell, D., McCain, D., Godden, S., Bellocq, C., Christian, C., Begg, M., Follett, R., Vision, P., Wright, D.P., Meade, R.A., Kirton, F., Gionfriddo, D.P., Garmon, R., Routh, B., Wells, P., 2009.
Paraphilia 3.
Output Type: | Internet publication |
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Paraphilia Magazine was a free online magazine that ran from 2009 to 2017; first as a journal, and from 2013 on, a periodical. Founded, edited, and published by D M Mitchell and Díre McCain, it contained stories, poetry, art, photography, reviews, and interviews from a wide variety of contributors. It was not (as the name might suggest) devoted to pornography or sexual matters, although it occasionally ran material suitable for adults only. There was no agenda, no politics, and no underlying philosophy. It maintained a deliberately heterogeneous attitude and the editorial policy was very hands-off. The aim was to present an outlet for expression not second-guessed by considerations of censorship or commercial saleability. It aimed to satisfy only the editors, contributors, and its readership, with no consideration given to the publishing (or any other) industry. It was informative, unique, and cathartic. The original 16 journals are archived here and available for free download.
Blood by Sue Fox Pages 67-68
Cover art by Jim Lopez
Inside front and back illustrations by Laurie Lipton
Editorial p4
The Eleventh Letter' p5
Beat-Up: The Generality of a Pitiful Man'
text & images by Jim Lopez p11
I Should Be So Lucky' by Salena Godden,
image by Thomas Evans p19
Endless' drawing by Dolorosa de la Cruz p23
Waiting for My Mocha to Cool' by Charles
Christian, drawing by Alfred Muro p24
Moon Suite' by Michael Begg, drawings by Jo
Kelso p39
That Old Bump and Grind' by Tom
Garretson p42
Artwork by Jeane Trend-Hill ps 66, 104, 160,
Blood' by Sue Fox p67
Sensitivity Suite' by Rich Follett p69
Psychology in the Cubicle' by Pablo Vision,
images by Colin Lowe p74
Madness Part III' by Brian Routh & Patricia
Wells p79
Artwork by Simon Evans ps 92, 138
Graven Images' by Patrick Wright p93
The Train to Shang Man Du' by Norman
Spinrad , drawing by Alfred Muro p105
Death Wish Chameleon Part III' by Cricket
Corleone, images by Richard A Meade p129
Burrows' by Ele-Beth Little p139
Maple Leaf Tears' by Craig Woods, images by
Brian Blur p141
The Overwhelming Human Desire to be
Loved' by Claudia Bellocq p154
Twilight Fuck of Three' by Hank Kirton p161
Lenin Rots: A Mortuary Fable' by Ron
Garmon , image by Guttersaint p167
Statement of David P Gionfriddo p180
Sounds Abound by Kate MacDonald (with
Dominic Marceau, Vargr Wolf, Martin Rouge
& Mary Leary) p187
Contributors' details and contact information
Edited and Designed
By Paraphilia
Díre McCain
D M Mitchell
Kate MacDonald - Musical Editor
Jim Lopez - Columnist & Pistolero