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Kwon, N., Perez, D., Jacobs, N., Cavada, M., Cooper, R., Maron, J., 2024.

Engaging the public in technological futures: a participatory speculative design approach to polyphonic representational spaces

Output Type:Conference paper
Publication:Proceedings of DRS
Publisher:Design Research Society
Dates:23/6/2024 - 28/6/2024

This paper explores the concept of polyphonic representational space as technological imaginaries of multiple individuals regarding public space. The context of this research relates to implementing digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things and AI, in the public realm and their impact and challenges on policymaking, everyday practices and spatial experiences. Speculative design offers a way of creating multiple scenarios for the future and provoking conversations regarding technological futures. This research adopts a participatory speculative design (PSD) approach to engage with people, not necessarily designers or technology experts, in the future prototyping process. We introduce a study conducted in three stages: two speculative prototyping workshops, two public exhibitions and a workshop with policymakers. The paper concludes by reflecting on how PSD can gather polyphonic views about technological futures in places, including opportunities and challenges and potential applications in policymaking processes.