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Wash Ivanovic, G., Tamura, J., 2014.

Sites and Services from an Architectural Perspective: A Case Study in the Dandora Community

Output Type:Conference paper
Publication:ACSA International Conference - Open Cities: The New Post-Industrial World Order, 2014
Publisher:Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)
Dates:21/6/2014 - 23/6/2014

Since the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements (UNGA 1976), governments and disciplines related to the housing problem are in agreement about the negative repercussions of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization. The declaration was not only crucial in recognizing that the quality of human settlements is a prerequisite for the full satisfaction of the most basic human needs and rights, but it also established an international awareness that the scale of the problem caused by the world population growth requires joint efforts and cooperation in finding solutions consistent enough to be applied in several developing countries, while also being flexible enough for adapting to the particular social, economic, environmental and cultural reality of those countries