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Orton, L., Tournier, I., Niedderer, K., Threlfall, S., 2021.

Ido Service project - work package two data

Output Type:Data set
Publisher:Manchester Metropolitan University
Dates:23/11/2021 - 15/3/2022

The IDoService project aimed to develop a special service to allow people living with mild to moderate dementia to plan, connect with and participate in tailored opportunities to realise themselves and continue to be fully part of society.

It is made up of three stages, called Work Package 1, 2 and 3.

This Open Access folder relates to Work Package 2.

Work Package two (WP2) contains co-design workshops with stakeholders to develop together the IDoService. Co-design, or participatory design, is an approach that actively involves all relevant stakeholders to develop design ideas, make design decisions, and develop workable products. The underlying idea is to design with stakeholder to help ensure the result meets their needs and is usable. Insights from work package one (i.e., interviews with the community) were presented to participants during the workshops to explore speculative design ideas in response to this data.