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Borzenkova, G., Tang, J., Niedderer, K., 2023.

Co-designing with children with cerebral palsy: context and co-design principles

Output Type:Conference paper
Presented at:IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design
Publication:IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design
Venue:Milan, Italy
Publisher:Design Research Society
Dates:9/10/2023 - 13/10/2023

Co-design with children with cerebral palsy sets challenges for researchers and designers because of differences in their living experiences and because many current well-established co-design approaches and recommendations may not be appropriate and require adjustments. Based on an overview of existing literature, this paper identifies co-design principles and approaches for including children in the co-design process and explores how these need to be adjusted to ensure the active participation of children with disabilities, specifically those with cerebral palsy. The aim is to derive a set of key principles and related approaches for application in the Peer2Peer project, and to provide practical guidelines for researchers and designers working with children with cerebral palsy.