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Niedderer, K., Clune, S., Ludden, G., 2018.

Introduction: designing for behavioural change

Output Type:Chapter in a book
Publication:Design for Behaviour Change: Theories and Practices of Designing for Change
Brief Description/Editor(s):Niedderer, K., Clune, S., Ludden, G.
Publisher:Routledge, London
Pagination:pp. 3-8

This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book aims to offer a thorough discussion about the understanding and responsible application of design in general, and design for behaviour change in particular, to contribute to and expand on current understandings of how people can design for behaviour change. It aims to offer a thorough discussion of the theoretical and practical approaches to design for behaviour change to help improve understanding and extend the application and responsible use. The book provides an overview of current and emerging theories, approaches and tools of design for behaviour change with an explanation of the different scientific backgrounds and theories from the social and behavioural sciences. It provides an overview of current and emerging design for behaviour change theories, models and tools including an explanation of the different scientific backgrounds and the adoption within design.