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Niedderer, K., Tournier, I., Orton, L., 2022.

An overview of current practices and approaches to co-designing services with and for people with dementia towards developing a framework for best practice

Output Type:Conference paper
Publication:DRS Conference Proceedings
Publisher:Design Research Society
Dates:25/6/2022 - 3/7/2022

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of current practices and approaches to co-designing services with and for people living with early to mid-stage dementia to derive a set of principles and practices for application in the IDoService project. It explores the understanding of service design and of co-design for the purposes of this paper, and then uses a meta-review of co-design of services for people with dementia, underpinned by a selection of case studies from the literature to extract and collate a set of key principles of best practice. We then consider the application of these principles and practices for the development of the IDoService to discuss implications and benefits of this approach for designing services.