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Kelly, R., Marinucci, S., Sethi, R., Lombana, M., 2022.

Crafting Futures: exploración del ecosistema en Argentina

Output Type:Report
Brief Description/Editor(s):Commissioned by British Council
Publisher:Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño

This published survey gathered the experiences and views of those who are part of the network of collaborative processes of knowledge creation and exchange, reached more than 570 people. This studio was devised in association with Rachel Kelly (Manchester School of Art), REDIT (Federal Interuniversity Network for Fashion and Textile Design of Argentina), with advice from the Craft Revival Trust of India. The information collected and the work methodology can be consulted in the report entitled "Crafting Futures: Exploration of the craft ecosystem in Argentina" (available in Spanish). Over the course of 2021, the research expanded to South Asia thanks to the global reach of the British Council's Crafting Futures programme.