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Gomes, D., Tzortzopoulos, P., 2020.

Metaphors of collaboration in construction

Output Type:Journal article
Publication:Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
Publisher:Canadian Science Publishing
Volume/Issue:47 (2)
Pagination:pp. 118-131

Collaboration is essential for the success of construction projects. However, the concept of collaboration is unclear, and the term is often related to different meanings. Construction research defines collaboration in different ways, having been influenced by other research fields (e.g., social sciences and philosophy). This paper discusses existing definitions of collaboration and how they relate to three perspectives on the nature of collaborative interactions, linked to organisational metaphors. The research was developed through a literature review, including the conceptual analysis of existing definitions of collaboration. The discussion proposes that metaphors not only describe collaboration ontologically, but also establish different appreciative systems by which individuals conceive and evaluate their collaborative performance. The aim of this discussion is to address the lack of consistency in defining collaboration in construction, embracing the coexistence of interpretations. This can help researchers and practitioners understand how to overcome misunderstandings and explore initiatives to improve collaboration.