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Ahmedy, Y., Kaluarachchi, Y., 2021.

The Influence of Lighting Settings on Museum's Brand Image and Human Satisfaction in Exhibition Halls Using Virtual Reality

Output Type:Conference paper
Presented at:3rd International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET 2020)
Brief Description/Editor(s):Ahram, T., Taiar, R., Langlois, K., Choplin, A.
Venue:Paris, France
Dates:27/8/2020 - 29/8/2020
Pagination:pp. 103-108

This paper analyses the influence of museum lighting design on the brand image and human satisfaction inside exhibition halls, taking Birmingham museum and art gallery as the case study of this research focusing on the exhibition that included the ancient Egyptian displays. Four different generated lighting scenes using virtual reality were generated. The results showed that the lighting had an impact on the brand image and affect the willingness of people to revisit the museum and recommend it to family and friends. This research considers the museum's visitors as active participants not just passive recipients of environmental stimuli. The research tried to provide a better understanding of how the exhibition environment in terms of lighting is perceived and provide further insight into how exhibition lighting design can enhance the visitor's experience and create a brand image. According to the research results, visitors tend to be willing to return and stay longer in the presence of diverse and exciting lighting settings.