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Cocchiarella, F., Shaw, A., McCullagh, J., Stephens, M., Grimshaw, D., Mulhearn, E., Kettle, A., McCullough, I., McCullagh, J., Hitchen, J., Egan, K., Aubrey, K., Raven, L., Gannon, L., Biggs, L., Setterington, L., Beecroft, M., McLeish, M., Threlfall, S., 2019.

Radical Response exhibition in partnership with the International Association of Design Research (IASDR) Conference

Output Type:Exhibition
Venue:Manchester School of Art, Manchester
Dates:2/9/2019 - 5/9/2019
Number of Works:26

Radical Response exhibition in partnership with the International Association of Design Research (IASDR) Conference