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Aston, H., Crompton, E., Renshaw, S., Timmins, K., 2020.

PRAXXIS: A Feminist Design Atelier

Output Type:Journal article
Publication:Journal of Architectural Education
Publisher:Taylor & Francis (Routledge)
Volume/Issue:74 (2)

PRAXXIS is a feminist research collective and vertical teaching studio (atelier) in both the BA (Hons) and MArch courses at the Manchester School of Architecture. Alongside research activity, staff in the PRAXXIS atelier activates students to create projects that are both personal and political, using robust, open, and unapologetically feminist conversations. We explore and ask questions as to what feminist architecture might be now and in the future, investigating inequalities in society and understanding what they may mean for physical and digital environments. Project road maps are an explicitly reflective pedagogical tool, assisting students in comprehending who they are becoming.