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Greenaway, P., Fox, S., Danuser, H., 1997.

Flying over water (Volar Damunt L'aigua)

Output Type:Book
Publisher:Merrell Holberton

'Flying Over Water' is a book about the hopes, ambitions and apocryphal successes, and the ultimate ubiquitous failure of the impossible dream of flying-all gathered around the central figure of Icarus. This original exhibition catalogue is a unique investigation into the icons of man-made flight. man's wish to fly and the fear of drowning. It is a fascinating book where one creates a journey around story, art and opera. Obsession, wonder, fantasy, and wonderfully referenced classic epics and epic stories. Like many good art catalogs, you can read this without ever having seen the show for which it was written. A good art catalog doesn't just show the ephemera of a gallery showing or the finished pieces therein -- it should document the artistic process. It should show where a particular artist and their interests/obsessions/art fits into the larger picture. Also the book is trilingual: English and Catalan throughout the whole book and then a Spanish version at the end.