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Lee, C., 2016.

Korea Bojagi Forum

Output Type:Exhibition
Venue:Suwon Hwaseong, Seoul, Korea
Dates:1/9/2016 - 5/9/2016
Number of Works:2

The Third biennial Korea Bojagi Forum was dedicated to new bojagi work that expresses its own time. As it is the artistic value of the work that matters, the pieces can take many forms, from the traditional two-dimensional work to sculptural pieces. A great range of bojagi-inspired work will be on display at the Forum, as I have also invited artists from different areas, including ceramics, textiles,, painting, and sculpture to submit their interpretations of the Korean textile tradition. Among exhibitions of old and new work, the Suwon Bojagi Members Association will have its own exhibition. Thanks to the Suwon Agricultural Technology Center, this year's Forum took place in the UNESCO-designated historical city of Suwon, rich in ancient and contemporary architecture, and great cultural, culinary, and art- related experiences.