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Sanderson, L., Stone, S.H., Lee, S.J., 2016.

Bollington. Real : Imagined

Output Type:Exhibition
Venue:Bollington Arts Centre
Number of Works:23

The Neighbourhood Plan Committee, Continuity in Architecture and Bollington Arts Centre are pleased to present "Bollington. Real : Imagined" an exhibition showcasing the draft policies for the Bollington Neighborhood Plan alongside imagined visions for the town created by 20 postgraduate students at the Manchester School of Architecture.

The Bollington Neighbourhood Plan has reached the stage of developing Draft Policies which will form the basis of the final Plan. The Plan is being developed by a combination of a group of volunteers and representatives from the Town Council. Previous stages have involved the production of Vision Statements and Objectives following extensive consultation with the community based on a comprehensive questionnaire and public meetings.

The present stage of draft policies for the Neighbourhood Plan will be presented for information and consultation purposes at a joint exhibition with the Continuity in Architecture atelier from the Manchester School of Architecture.

Continuity in Architecture runs programmes for the design of new buildings and public spaces within the existing urban environment. The emphasis is on the importance of place and the idea that design of architecture can be influenced by the experience and analysis of particular situations. This interpretation of place can provide a contemporary layer of built meaning within the continuity of the evolving town or city. Throughout this academic year, the atelier has been working in collaboration with the Neighbourhood Planning Committee in Bollington to investigate the local area in a bid to better understand the history and vernacular of the town. Based on this understanding, the students will be presenting 20 buildings for 20 sites across Bollington. These imagined projects aim to provide a vision for the future of the town and include family housing, a theatre, live work units, a boutique hotel, a brewery, a walkers retreat, a cricket club, a market square, an industrial hub, a coach house, a museum, a gallery and even a cable car linking Clarence Mill to White Nancy.