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Cocchiarella, F. Hayward, E., 2016.

Pomona Encounters - Pomona's Beauty Spots

Output Type:Performance
Venue:Pomona Island
Dates:26th July 2016

The presentation of 'Pomona's Beauty Spots' for the Pomona Encounters Walk as part of Manchester European City of Science.

The Pomona Encounters walk was inspired by the ecology of food, the potential for urban food production and Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruit, this walk by the Living In Future Ecologies (LiFE) research group takes in a creative journey through the habitats of Manchester, Salford and Trafford. Walkers will encounter paradoxical tales about biodiversity and urban planning, carbon-free air miles, invasive species for healthy living, and old toolkits to design new nature.

Pomona's Beauty Spots

Discovering the city often uses commercial psycho-spatial systems of reference that mediate our relationships with people, landmarks and architectural objects. Our connection with nature is negotiated through the exploration of natural spatial phenomena, sometimes shaped by humans, but when exploring un-chartered territories we encounter landscapes that are dependent on discovery. A passive experience of navigating the terrain has not been prescribed or facilitated, therefore we are free to create an un-regulated personal geography, establishing our own markers as points of reference, signposting memories through physical encounter, exploring freedom.

As you navigate Pomona Island identify and mark your own places of significance. Embellish the Goddess with a spot, emphasise her beauty, a humanistic cosmetic application to create a distinctive system of experience, a Mythical Aura of Connectedness to a Para-Normal place to be imagined and conquered, in-between worlds.

Pomona Encounters: Beauty SpotPomona Encounters: Beauty Spot
Pomona's Beauty SpotsPomona's Beauty Spots