Academic Staff
- Dr Adam Walker
Lecturer, Fine Artadam.walker@mmu.ac.uk / Grosvenor Building G24 - Professor Stuart Walker
Research Professorstuart.walker@mmu.ac.uk / Chatham Building - John Walsh
Programme Leader, MA Design - Sylvia Waltering
Senior Lecturer, Photography - Dr Andrew Warstat
Senior Lecturer, Art Theory and Practice, Contextualising Practice - Dr Glen Wash Ivanovic
Senior Lecturer, Architectureg.wash.ivanovic@mmu.ac.uk / Manchester Technology Centre - Ian Whadcock
Education Lead for Design
Senior Lecturer, Illustration with Animation and MA/MFA Illustrationian.whadcock@mmu.ac.uk / Chatham Building 211 - Michelle Wheatley
Lecturerm.wheatley@mmu.ac.uk / SODA Building - Dr Ben White
Reader, Fine Artb.white@mmu.ac.uk / Grosvenor Building - Professor Stefan White
Professor of Architecture - Dr Chris Whiter
Lecturerc.whiter@mmu.ac.uk / SODA Building - Jade Wilson
Lecturer, Interior Designj.wilson@mmu.ac.uk / Lowry Building 117 - Duncan Wooldridge
Reader in Photographyd.wooldridge@mmu.ac.uk / (building not known)