Academic Staff
- Professor Yamuna Kaluarachchi
Professor of Architecturey.kaluarachchi@mmu.ac.uk / Manchester Technology Centre 2.07 - Dr Vikram Kaushal
Senior Lecturer, Architecture - Rachel Kelly
Reader in Design Educationrachel.kelly@mmu.ac.uk / Chatham Building 213 - Dr Beccy Kennedy-Schtyk
Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader, Undergraduate Programmes in Art Theory and Practice - Robin Kerr
Senior Lecturer, Fashionr.kerr@mmu.ac.uk / Lowry Building 214 - Professor Alice Kettle
Professor of Textile Arts - Dr Hamid Khalili
Senior Lecturer, Architectureh.khalili@mmu.ac.uk / Manchester Technology Centre - Dr Shane Kinghorn
Senior Lecturer, Drama and Contemporary Performance - Dr Rachelle Viader Knowles
Faculty Head of International - Professor Gideon Koppel
Professor of Media - Demetra Kourri
Lecturer, Architectured.kourri@mmu.ac.uk / Manchester Technology Centre 3.15