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Professor Lucy-Anne Hunt

Professor Emerita

Professor Lucy-Anne Hunt

Lucy-Anne Hunt is Professor Emerita in the Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University. She previously held the posts of Head of the Department of History of Art & Design (1998-2009) and Head of the Department of Art (2009-2011).

Her research interests focus on cross-cultural analysis between Byzantine and Islamic, and Christian-Muslim art and culture in the medieval Mediterranean world. This is undertaken through the study of Byzantine, Eastern Christian and ‘Crusader’ art, as well as East-West cultural relations. Her current work is concerned with case studies of wallpainting, icons, and illustrated manuscripts. Hybridity, images of identity and the “Other” in medieval Mediterranean art are amongst the main issues considered. The art of Coptic Egypt and medieval Syria and Lebanon are amongst her ongoing concerns.

She is a member of the School of Art's Visual Culture Research Group.


A selection of invited papers and other research activities since 2008

2010-11 and ongoing: working as the art historian on the team, led by Isabelle Doumet-Skaf, conserving the 13th-century wallpaintings at the church of Mar Tadros, Behdaidat, Lebanon 2011, Aug. Short paper as part of the roundtable, Sinai through the Ages: a place of cult and pilgrimage, organised by Prof. Details…



Hunt, L. A., 2000. 'Byzantium, Eastern Christendon and Islam: Art at the Crossroads of the Medieval Mediterranean Vol. 2', Pindar Press, London.

Byzantium, Eastern Christendom and Islam: Art at the Crossroads of the Medieval Mediterranean Byzantium, Eastern Christendom and Islam: Art at the Crossroads of the Medieval Mediterranean Volume II

Hunt, L. A., 1998. 'Byzantium, Eastern Christendon and Islam: Art at the Crossroads of the Medieval Mediterranean Vol. 1', Pindar Press, London.

Hunt, L. A., 1997. 'The Mingana and Related Collections: A Survey of Illustrated Arabic, Greek, Eastern Christian, Persian and Turkish Manuscripts in the Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham', Selly Oak Colleges/Edward Cadbury Charitable Trust.

Book Chapters

Hunt, L.A., 2018. '"The emperor Michael VIII (1261-1282) and Byzantine/Melkite-Genoese cultural agency between Constantinople and the Near East: Art at Sinai, Behdaidat, and the pallio of San Lorenzo in Genoa, and in Egypt"'. In Chitwoog, Z., Pahlitzsch, J. (eds.) Ambassadors, Artists, Theologians: Byzantine Relations with the Near East from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Centuries, Eds. Z. Chitwood and J. Pahlitzsch, Schnell & Steiner.

Hunt, L.A., 2017. 'Arts in the Eastern Mediterranean before the Crusades: Approaching Christian-Muslim relations through visual representations'. In Thomas, D. (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Christian-Muslim Relations., pp. 135-148, Routledge.

Hunt, L.A., 2016. 'An Icon and Gospel Book: The Assimilation of Byzantine Art by Arab Christians in Mamluk Egypt and Syria'. In Studies in Coptic Culture: Transmission and Interaction. Ed. Mariam Ayad, American University in Cairo Press.

Hunt, L.A., 2015. 'John of Ibelin's Audience Hall in Beirut: A Crusader palace building between Byzantine and Islamic art in its Mediterranean Context'. In Featherstone M, Spieser J-M, Tanman G, Wulf-Rheidt U (Eds), (eds.) The Emperor's House: Palaces from Augustus to the Age of Absolutism, pp. 257-91, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.

Hunt, L. A., 2011. '"Ceiling and Casket at the Cappella Palatina and Christian Arab Art between Sicily and Egypt in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries"'. In David Knipp (eds.) Siculo-Arabic Ivories and Islamic Painting 1100-1300 (Proceedings of the International Conference, Berlin, 6-8 July 2007), 169-197, Hirmer Verlag, Munich.

Hunt, L. A., 2011. '"Marking Presence: Art, Ritual and Pilgrimage in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Crusader Period"'. In Frances Andrews (eds.) Ritual and Space in the Middle Ages (Proceedings of the 2009 Harlaxton Symposium), 61-70, Shaun Tyas, Donington.

Hunt, L. A., 2009. 'Eastern Christian Art and Culture in the Ayyubid and early Mamluk periods: Cultural convergence between Jerusalem, Greater Syria and Egypt'. In R. Hillenbrand and S. Auld (eds.) Ayyubid Jerusalem: The Holy City in Context 1187-1250, 327-47, (London: Altajir Trust.

Hunt, L. A., 2007. 'Artistic Interchange in Old Cairo in the Thirteenth to Early Fourteenth Century: The Role of Painted and Carved Icons'. In C. Hourihane (eds.) Interactions: Artistic Interchange between the Eastern and Western Worlds in the Medieval Period, 48-66, Index of Christian Art, Department of Art & Archaeology, Princeton University in association with Penn State University Press.

Hunt, L. A., 2007. 'Eastern Orthodox Iconographic and Architectural Traditions'. In K. Parry (ed.) (eds.) Blackwell Companion to Eastern Christianity, Blackwell, Oxford.

Hunt, L. A., 2007. 'Illustrating the Gospels in Arabic: Byzantine and Arab Christian Miniatures in Two Manuscripts of the early Mamluk Period in Cambridge'. In D. Thomas (ed.) (eds.) The Bible in Arab Christianity, 315-349, Brill, Leiden.

Hunt, L. A., 2006. '"Orientalische Christen: Kunst und Kultur zur Zeit der Kreuzfahren" [Art of Eastern Christians during the Period of the Crusades]'. In A. Wieczorek, M. Fansa and H. Meller (eds.) Saladin und die Kreuzfahrer. (Catalogue of the Exhibition held at the Landesmuseum fuer Vorgeschichte, Halle (21/10/05-12/2/06); Landesmuseum fuer Natur und Mensch, Oldenburg (5/3/06-2/7/06) and the Reiss-Engelhorn Museum, Mannheim (23/7/06-5/11/06)), 191-203, Verlag: Phillip von Zabern, Mainz.

Hunt, L. A., 2006. 'Byzantium-Venice-Manchester: an early thirteenth-century carved marble basin and British Byzantinism at the turn of the twentieth century'. In E. Jeffreys (eds.) Byzantine Style, Religion and Civilisation, In Honour of Sir Steven Runciman, Chapter 5, 91-134, CUP, Cambridge.

Hunt, L. A., 2003. 'For the Salvation of a Woman's Soul: An icon of St Michael described within a medieval Coptic Context'. In A. Eastmond and L. James (eds.) Icon and Word: The Power of Images in Byzantium. Studies Presented to Robin Cormack, 205 -232, Aldershot: Ashgate.

Hunt, L. A., 2003. 'Stuccowork at the monastery of the Syrians in the Wadî Natrun: Iraqi – Egyptian Artistic Contact in the 'Abbasid Period''. In Christians at the Heart of Islamic Rule: Church Life and Scholarship in 'Abbasid Iraq, 93 - 127, Brill: Leiden, Boston, USA.

Hunt, L. A., 2001. 'Leaves from an Illustrated Syriac Lectionary of the Seventh/Thirteenth Century,'. In Syrian Christians under Islam: The First Thousand Years (ed. D. Thomas), 185-202, Brill: Leiden, Boston, Cologne.

Journal Articles

Doumet-Skaf, I., Capriotti, G., Hunt, L.A., 2017. 'The conservation of 13th century mural paintings in the church of St. Theodore, Behdaidat', BAAL: Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises, 17, pp. 313-436.

Hunt, L. A., 2011. 'A Deesis mould in Berlin: Christian-Muslim cultural interchange between Iran, Syria and Mesopotamia in the early Thirteenth Century', Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 22 (2) April 2011, 127-45.

Hunt, L. A., 2011. 'The Wallpainting Programme at the Church of Mar Tadros, Behdaidat: Art Historical Aspects in the Light of the current conservation Project, Conservation of 13th Century Mural Paintings in the Church of St. Theodore', Behdaidat Bulletin d'Archéologie et d'Architecture Libanaises, 13, 274-88.

Hunt, L. A., 2009. 'A Christian Arab Gospel Book: Cairo, Coptic Museum MS Bibl. 90 in its Mamluk Context', Mamluk Studies Review XIII, 2, 105-33.

Hunt, L. A., 2004. 'Art in the Wadi Natrun: An assessment of the earliest wallpaintings in the Church of Abu Makar, Dayr Abu Makar'', Proceedings of the Wadi Natrun Symposium (February 2002) Coptica, 3, 69-103.

Hunt, L. A., 2000. 'Christian art in Greater Syria and Egypt: A Triptych of the Ascension with Military Saints Reattributed', Al-Masaq: Islam and the Medieval Mediterranean, 12, 1-36.


Hunt, L. A., 2011. 'Sinai Icons from the "Eastern" Perspective: Hybridity and Polyculturalism during the Period of the Crusades', 2nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Sofia, 22-27 August 2011, in Vol. II Abstracts of Round Table Communications, 144.

Hunt, L. A., 2010. 'Skin and the Meeting of Cultures: Outward and Visible Signs of Alterity in the Medieval Christian East', Images of Alterity in East and West Conference, University of Heidelberg: Cluster of Excellence, Asia and Europe in a Global Context, 17-19 June 2010.

Hunt, L. A., 2005. ''Artistic Interchange in Old Cairo in the Thirteenth-early Fourteenth Century : The Role of painted and carved Icons'', Interactions: Artistic Exchange between the Eastern and Western Worlds in the medieval Period, Index of Christian Art, Princeton University, 8-9 April 2005.

Other Outputs

Hunt, L. A., 2006. '"Melisende Psalter" and "Art of Outremer and Cyprus"', Entries in A.V. Murray (ed.) The Crusades: An Encyclopedia (Sta Barbara, CA, 2006.