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ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for exchange and development in higher arts education.

CrAFt - Creating Actionable Futures Dialogues

21 October 2023

Curating students participated in interactive student-led event: A Pop Up Think/Do Tank by CrAFt

UniCity 2030 is part of the CrAFt - Creating Actionable Futures project, and one of the fringe events of the ELIA Leadership Symposium 2023 that took place in Manchester on the 17th of October. It is funded by the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Commission, and supported by ELIA, the globally connected network for higher arts education, and MMU’s School of Art.

CrAFt - Creating Actionable Futures is an EU-funded project that offers MMU students the chance to be part of a student-led experience and experiment in practising interdisciplinary collaboration. CrAFt works with a group of students (the Core Group) responsible for proposing participatory models and setting up mechanisms to engage other students across 70 CrAFt cities. 

Read more about CrAFt project: