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IN/Tangible is curated by current MA Contemporary Curating students

The students-led exhibition project: IN/Tangible

26 April 2023

IN/Tangible exhibition is curated by current MA Contemporary Curating students: Birce Cennetoglu, Cassandra Alvaro, Jenna Eady, Kieran Youd, Megan Jones

The student-led exhibition project In/Tangible brings together various practices to explore the relationship and the borders between the material and immaterial, the physical and the intangible, the seen and the unseen in responding to the key themes ‘contest’ and “territory.”  Through a range of media including painting, sculpture, video, installation and fashion, the artists are inviting the viewer to consider the ways in which we perceive and interact with the world around us.

Private View: Wednesday 12 April, 18.00-21.00 pm
Dates: 13 - 14 April 2023 
Location: SEESAW 
6 Princess Street Manchester M1 6NG


Some of the works in the exhibition play with this notion directly, using materials and techniques that challenge our assumptions about what is “real” and what is not, of what is tangible and intangible. Others explore the emotional or psychological dimensions of tangibility, using abstraction or metaphor to evoke sensations or states of being that are difficult to pin down. 
The selection of works in In/Tangible reflects the diversity of approaches and perspectives that can be found within contemporary art. Some artists are working within traditional media and techniques, while others push the boundaries of what is possible through experimentation and innovation. 
In/Tangible encourages viewers to question their assumptions about the world and to engage with art in a way that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally resonant. Whether through the tactile qualities of a sculptural form or the evocative power of an abstract painting, the artists in this exhibition invite us to explore the interplay between the tangible and intangible, metaphorical and physical borders and territories; and to discover new ways of seeing and experiencing the world around us.
