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PhD Art, Design and Media Scholarships 2017 Open for Applications

7 December 2016

Applications close on 31 January

Manchester Metropolitan University has opened applications for PhD scholarships for 2017 to support the most talented and ambitious new researchers across a variety of specialist subjects. 

Within art and design disciplines, there are a wide range of opportunities to join the fifth largest community of researchers in the UK, with scholarships offered in areas such as: 

  • The impacts of artists with learning difficulties on contemporary arts 
  • Enabling creativity and innovation through design 
  • Ageing and regenerative medicine in twenty-first literature and film 
  • Non-visual senses in place marketing and management 
  • Biometric technologies of gender and race 

Rated sixth in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) for research power in Art and Design, Manchester School of Art offers researchers the chance to work as part of a creative community with opportunities to interrogate areas of interest through practice and theory. 

A full list of PhD scholarships on offer is available on the Manchester Metropolitan University website

To find out more about studying a research degree at Manchester School of Art, visit our postgraduate research pages