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11 May 2012

Graduate Victoria stars in Dark Shadows

MMU trained actress films with Depp and Pfeiffer

Image for Graduate Victoria stars in Dark Shadows

SCHOOL of Theatre graduate Victoria Bewick joined Johnny Depp, Eva Pope and Michelle Pfeiffer on the red carpet at this week’s European Premiere of Dark Shadows.

Tim Burton’s comedy horror features the Class of 2010 graduate in the role of a hippy chick who confronts Barnabus (Depp) as he emerges from his vampire tomb in 70s New England.

On Wednesday, the 23-year-old from Newcastle stepped into the limelight with the all-star cast in London’s West End.

Victoria, who starred in a host of student productions, left MMU with a BA (Hons) in Acting and her Equity Card before making her big break alongside Meryl Streep as Muriel Roberts in The Iron Lady.