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15 July 2009

Hulme, Sweet Hulme

MMU hosts community exhibition

Image for Hulme, Sweet Hulme

COMMUNITY groups from across Hulme have been working with MMU to create a new textile exhibition that celebrates the unique spirit of local people.

The exhibition - Hulme, Sweet Hulme - is a joint creation by MMU artist Lynn Setterington, Hulme Community Garden Centre, Venture Arts, HARP, local primary schools, English for Speakers of Other Languages Classes, youth groups and community centres.

One of the exciting features of the project will be a ‘living wall’ that Lynn is installing at Hulme Community Garden Centre. The wall will be a companion piece to the Green Roof that the Garden Centre already has on display to the public.

“Hulme is a unique place and I really wanted to capture the richness and diversity of its people through this project,” said Lynn Setterington, who teaches on MMU’s renowned degree course in embroidery.


“We are using embroidery as a way of opening up discussions and sharing experiences between people and cultural and that has been extremely rewarding.”

Hulme, Sweet Hulme was voted for by over 200 local people as part of an online campaign to support the University’s public engagement agenda. Twelve project ideas were posted onto MMU’s website and over 2,500 members of the public voted for their 6 favourites.

Neela Egan, of the English for Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) group that meets in Hulme Library, said: “It was a wonderful opportunity for our students whose journeys have brought them from Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Iran, Poland, Pakistan, and other countries to Hulme.

“They relished the opportunity to talk about their countries and learnt new skills, produced some beautiful work and are looking forward to seeing it in the exhibition.”

Ends July 18

The exhibition will be at the Zion Arts Centre until July 18 and is being visited by local schools, among others.

- The partners in Hulme, Sweet Hulme are Manchester Metropolitan University, Hulme Library (English for Speakers of Other Language classes), Hulme Community Garden Centre, North Hulme Adventure Playground, ARC SPACE Manchester, local schools including Rolls Crescent, St. Wilfred’s, St. Phillips, Community centres including Aquarius, Zion Arts Centre, Zion Resource Centre, Action for Sustainable Living.

For more information contact Lynn Setterington or Sam Gray.