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10 February 2009

Award winning links with China

MMU has won a prestigious award for its growing links with China.

Image for Award winning links with China

The award, sponsored by UK Trade and Investment and the Northwest Regional Development Agency, was awarded at the Chinese New Year Dinner held at Haydock earlier this month for some of the best China-UK projects of the North West.

The Chinese Recognition Award is given to organisations that have made a significant contribution to developing links with China in 2008.

The overall prize was awarded to MMU for:

• Management training at the Business School (EU China Management Exchange and Training Programme)
• Cultural research link through MIRIAD (Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design)
• Industry and programme partnerships at Hollings in clothing design technology, hospitality and tourism

Joint runners up for The Greater China Recognition Award prize were Chi Yip, which runs the Red Chilli restaurant chain and Suman Education, which hosts more than 6,000 teacher and students from China and led students from Manchester to China.

Philomena Chen, Head of Asia Pacific Development said, “There was an outstanding level of entries for the North West region this year, and our winners of the Greater Manchester Recognition Awards are the individuals who have shown the greatest commitment to forging links with mainland China, Hong Kong or Taiwan”.