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7 May 2008

Manchester’s biggest art exhibition

Degree show 2008

Image for Manchester’s biggest art exhibition

Manchester will soon be hosting its biggest annual art exhibition here at MMU.

The time of the year has come when the final year undergraduates have the chance to show off their final pieces in the highly-rated Art & Design Degree Show.

The free nine-day exhibition will be displaying work from hundreds of students studying many different aspects of art and design, including; photography, architecture, fashion, graphic design, video, jewellery, textiles and many more.

Past MMU students have moved on to become renowned artists in the UK such as Peter Saville, Thomas Heatherwick and Sam Taylor-Wood.

Each year the show attracts more than 15,000 people. Final year student in landscape architecture Florence Moon, 21, said: “The exhibition is an opportunity to show all the work we have put in over the duration of the course. It is also great for talking with people who are already in the industry. My course has shown me how to focus and to enjoy myself while doing work.”

The show will be running at All Saints Campus on Oxford Road, 10am-6pm weekdays and 10am-4pm at weekends from 14-22 June. All shows are free and open to the public.

For more information about the Art and Design Degree Shows please visit the Art and Design website