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10 August 2006

Loving My Ego

Exploring the 'me generation'

A group art exhibition that explores the realm of character and self-image has been put together by MMU fine art graduates at Castlefield Gallery in Manchester from 10 August.

Curators Dawn Woolley and James Moore have selected work that questions or explores the cult of the ‘me generation’, the existence of multiple personalities, the fragmented nature of the self, self-infatuation and the fundamental falsity of the ego.

Window to the soul?

Making Love to My Ego rejects the notion of the self-portrait that usually attempts to represent the artist’s true ‘self’ – a window to the soul. Instead, it depicts the artist using ‘I’ as a medium through which they comment on self/identity or social analysis.

The show does not attempt to find the authentic identity of the artist but demonstrates the ego as a falsifying entity.

Psychoanalytic views of the ego

A panel discussion about the issues raised by the exhibition will be held at the Gallery on Thursday 14 September from 6pm to 8pm with the curators and artists, chaired by Professor Ian Parker of MMU’s Discourse Unit who has written an essay on psychoanalytic views of the ego for the exhibition catalogue.

The exhibition at Castlefield Gallery runs until 24 September. Opening hours are Wed-Sun 1pm to 6pm. To book for the panel discussion on 14 September please contact 0161 832 8034 or e-mail

Supported by Castlefield Gallery’s Project Space with input from MMU’s Discourse Unit, the exhibition moves to Amsterdam in 2007. Further details can be found at