21 June 2006
Student brings children's characters to life
Illustrator creates winning brand
FORGET the Powder Puff Girls, here come the Moody Little Madams - and they’re kickin’.
Moody Little Madams are the latest cartoon characters with attitude set to adorn children’s clothes across the UK after Tesco bought the rights to the brand.
Predicted to become more popular than Snoopy as a nightwear line, the Madams are the brainchild of Rhiannon McGowan, a student at Manchester Metropolitan University’s School of Design.
The five madams – Tammy, Del, Benny, Renee and Lawra - say things like “Your point is?” and “What is the point of being in a mood unless everybody knows about it?”
Cheeky chapettes
The clothes – T-shirts, underwear and pyjamas – also sport cheeky labels with phrases such as: “You gonna buy this then or what?”
Rhiannon, 23, who graduates this summer with a BA in Design and Art Direction, works as an illustrator for Bradford-based company Brandzoo, which created the brand Moody Little Madams.
“I was briefed to create characters who were moody and cool and would appeal to the 8-13 age group.
“I brought them to life and each has her own character – stroppy, sneaky, chilled and such like. My favourite is Benny who thinks that everything is just rubbish!
Mobile cartoons
“I was so proud when Tesco came in and agreed to market Moody Little Madams as a clothes line.”
Rhiannon, from Bradford, has also devised characters for mobile phone cartoons, as part of her course.
Lecturer Lenore Gristwood said: “Rhiannon can draw absolutely anything and with the MLMs she has created great characters that children can relate to in both appearance and in personality.”
For more information about Design & Art Direction at MMU, contact Lenore Gristwood on 0161 247 1289. or go to www.artdes.mmu.ac.uk/courses/programme/1007