9 August 2005
Sculpture 'defies laws of physics'
Artist chosen for Royal Academy
DIGITAL artist Keith Brown has been invited to exhibit sculpture at this year’s summer exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts - the world’s largest open contemporary art exhibition.
A principal lecturer and member of the Manchester Institute for Research and Innovation in Art and Design (MIRIAD), Keith embraces a wide range of digital activities focused on ‘cyber-realism’ rather than ‘virtual reality’, thereby reversing the order between the cyber and the real.
Using state-of-the-art solid imaging devices Keith makes 3D models of sculptures directly on computer in the cyber environment where the laws of physics do not apply and where otherwise impossible forms may be conceived and made manifest.
This is Keith’s third showing at the Royal Academy in recent years. His artworks have also been exhibited in America at SIGGRAPH the world’s largest annual computer graphics exposition, and also in Japan, Africa, New Zealand, France and the Czech Republic.
Keith said: “It is not my intention to simulate the real as virtual, but to make the virtual real.”
The London exhibition runs until August 15.