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13 June 2004

Cow Parade mooves in

Student artists 'udderly brilliant'

MMU is again at the heart of cultural life in Manchester, playing a major role in Manchester CowParade.

CowParade is the largest roving public art exhibition in the world, and brings 150 life-size cow characters on the streets on Manchester from today, June 14 until September 12.

MMU has five cows, each individually designed, four in Manchester, and one in Crewe sponsored by our MMU Cheshire faculty.

Embroidery student Danielle Chappell has created ‘Ravin’ Rita’ a clubbing cow sporting vivid orange and pink legwarmers which will be hard to miss when it goes on exhibition at the University’s All Saints reception centre on Oxford Road.

‘Alphabet Cow’ designed by student Amy Boylan, covered entirely by an A-Z streetmap of Manchester can be seen ‘grazing’ at Grosvenor Park, All Saints.

The Faculty of Art and Design sponsors the third cow, bedecked in the yellow and gold design which advertises the Art & design Degree Show - the city’s largest free art exhibition at All Saints from June 18-23.

Our fourth cow is very different in that it will not be at pavement level but flying above the John Dalton Science and Engineering Building Oxford Road.

The MMU Cheshire cow, which wears a graduate’s mortar board, will grace a platform at Crewe Rail Station after an appearance at the Cheshire Show.

MMU Marketing Manager Marion Burge said: “The people of Manchester will see some stunning ‘CowArt’ over the summer not least at MMU. Given the University’s reputation in art and design we have taken a major part in the Cow Parade’s success and I am especially delighted that two of our students have made such a big impression with their originality and flair.”