Thursday 18 July 2019
Drawing Democracy
The Art of Observation and its Power to affect Change
Informal talk and curator led exhibition tour as part of The John Ruskin Prize 2019 programme, Ruskin in Manchester and Ruskin200 exploring the legacy of John Ruskin in the bicentenary year of his birth.
Join the team behind The John Ruskin Prize, visual literacy charity The Big Draw, for a tour of The 5th John Ruskin Prize shortlist exhibition: Agent of Change and informal panel discussion (with live drawing) led by Ruskin Prize 2019 finalists and alumni exploring the role of art and visual literacy for social and political change.
With Manchester based artist and Ruskin Prize Student Winner 2015/16 Robin Sukatorn, Sheffield based artist and 2017 / 2019 Ruskin Prize Finalist, Conor Rogers, Managing-Director of The John Ruskin Prize; Rachel Price and Director for Education & Master-Elect of Ruskin's Guild of St George Dr Rachel Dickinson. More details
Standard: £5
Concession: Free / donation entry for students, people in receipt of Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income Support or Job Seekers allowance, and disabled people (with free entry for one carer).