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Professor Jim Aulich

Professor Emeritus

Professor Jim Aulich

Head of Postgraduate Arts and Humanities Centre
MMU Lead for AHRC North West Consortium Doctoral Training Programme

Jim Aulich's research interests engage with the relationships between history, memory and visual culture, especially in the field of propaganda and publicity in the graphic arts.

He was a Co-Investigator on Picturing the Social (2014-16) an ESRC Transformative Research Project (PI University of Sheffield, other CIs included academics from MMU and the Universities of Wolverhampton and Warwick with private sector involvement from PULSAR). Member of the Visual Social Media Lab (MMU) and the ACE Poster Network (presentation at V&A December 2016). In 2015 he was a founder of the ManMet Cooperative Research Network. Director of the ARHC Resource Enhancement project Posters of Conflict: the visual culture of public information and counter information 1914-2005, a collaboration with the Imperial War Museum (2003-06). Other previous research projects on the Vietnam War, The Falklands Conflict, the 'change' in Central Europe in 1989, and communist rule in central and eastern Europe, a part of the 10th Anniversary Celebrations of the Velvet Revolution in Brno, were collaborations with museums and art galleries which resulted in exhibitions and publications. In 2005 he researched and curated 'Forced Laughter' a celebration of the Soviet cartoonist, Boris Efimov,105th birthday in Prague. In 2008 he was curator of the major exhibition of war posters, Weapons of Mass Communication, at the Imperial War Museum, London.
Since 2008 he has published on the First World War Poster in Britain and Europe; postwar Polish health poster; Soviet propaganda in Britain 1942-45; new media and revolution in Serbia 1995-2000; and publicity, advertising and propaganda in Britain 1914-18.
He was a member of the AHRC Research Training Advisory Group and in his former role as Head of Research Degrees in the Manchester School of Art he was instrumental in introducing Skills Development opportunities for postgraduate researchers with outside organisations. Most recently under the auspices of the Postgraduate Arts and Humanities Centre he has launched a multidisciplinary cross-faculty research degree programme in Arts and Humanities.


Picturing the Social

Co-Investigator: Picturing the Social: Transforming our Understanding of Images in Social Media and Big Data research is an 18-month research project that started in September 2014 and is based at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. It is funded through an ESRC’s Transformative Research grant and is focused on transforming the social science research landscape by carving out a more central place for image research within the emerging fields of social media and Big Data research. Details…

Posters of Conflict: The Visual Culture of Public Information and Counter Information

Director of 'Posters of Conflict: The Visual Culture of Public Information and Counter Information’ an AHRC funded Resource Enhancement Project 2003-06. See www. Details…

The War Poster. Weapons of Mass Communication

A major exhibition of war posters at the Imperial War Museum, London accompanied by a book of the same title to be published by Thames & Hudson, October 2007-March 2008.. Details…



Aulich, J., 2015. Modern History Volume III: Posters The Third Eye, Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre, 18th September - 21st November 2015.

Aulich, J., 2015. The Third Eye: Modern History and Posters as part of Modern History Vol 3, Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre, 23/9/2015 - 21/11/2015.

Aulich, J., 2007. The War Poster. Weapons of Mass Communication, Imperial War Museum, London, October 2007 - March 2008.

Aulich, J., 2005. Forced Laughter. An exhibition of 105 cartoons by Boris Efimov, Galerie Nova sin, Prague, Czech Republic, 6th-30th October 2005.

Aulich, J., 2001. Gagarin in Manchester. An Exhibition of Photographs, Posters and Memorabilia to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the visit of Yuri Gargarin to Manchester on 12th July 1961, Manchester Science and Industry Museum (July-Sept 2001) & Jodrell Bank, Manchester University (Sept 2001-Feb 2002), July-Sept 2001 & Sept 2001-Feb 2002.


Faulkner, S. Aulich, J. Burke, L., 2010. 'The Politics of Cultural Memory', Cambridge Scholars Press, Cambridge.

Aulich, J., Purbrick, L., Dawson, G., 2007. 'Contested Spaces. Sites, Representations and Histories of Conflict', Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Aulich, J.; Boulton, Angus; Faulkner, Simon, 2007. 'Restricted Areas. Angus Boulton', MIRIAD and the Wapping Project, Manchester and London.

Aulich, J., Hewitt, J., 2007. 'Seduction or instruction? First World War Posters in Britain and Europe', Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Bert Thomas 'Arf a mo Kaiser'

Aulich, J., 2007. 'War Posters. Weapons of Mass Communication', Thames & Hudson.

Aulich, J. and Sylvestrova, M., 2003. 'Znameni Doby/ Signs of the Times. Culture, Politics and Society in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-2000', MIRIAD, Manchester Metropolitan University & Moravian Gallery, Brno.

Aulich, J. and Lynch J. (eds.), 2000. 'Critical Kitaj. Essays on the work of RB Kitaj', Manchester University Press.

Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe, 1945-95

Aulich, J. and Sylvestrova, M., 2000. 'Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe, 1945-1995', Manchester University Press.

Book Chapters

Aulich, J., 2020. 'Protest and Political Transformation since 1789'. In McGarry, A., Erhart, I., Eslen-Siya, H., Jenzen, O., Korkut, U. (eds.) The Aesthetics of Global Protest: Visual Culture and Communication, Amsterdam University Press.

Aulich, J., 2018. 'A Ring of Paper. East Central European Posters from the First World War: Identity and Identification'. In Emotions in arms - Poster art in the First World War (1914-1918), Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest.

Aulich, J., 2018. 'A Ring of Paper. East Central European Posters from the First World War: Identity and Identification'. In catalogue Emotions in Arms - Poster art in the First World War (1914-1918), Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest.

Aulich, J., 2016. 'Ducking and Diving: The imagery of aerial and submarine warfare in posters issued by Britain and the Central Powers during the First World War'. In Wenke, S., Mehrtens, H., Hoffmann, K. (eds.) Myths, Gender and the Military Conquest of Air and Sea, University of Oldenburg, Germany, Oldenburg, Germany.

Aulich, J., 2013. 'The Polish Health & Safety Poster and the Health & Safety of the Polish Poster 1945-89'. In Krzysztof Krajewski-Siuda (eds.) Polish Public Health Poster, 47-8, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice-Krakow.

Aulich, J., 2012. 'Advertising and the public in Britain during the first world war'. In Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age, pp. 109-128.

Aulich, J., 2007. 'Memory, What is it Good For? Forced Labour, Blockhouses and Museums in Nord-Pas de Calais, Northern France'. In Purbrick, L., Aulich, J., Dawson, G. (eds.) Contested Spaces. Sites, Representations and Histories of Conflict, 8, 191-210, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.

Aulich, J., 2003. 'Political Posters in Central and Eastern Europe'. In Robin Cassling & Gabriel Fragniere (eds.) Social Sciences and Political Change. Promoting Innovative Research in Post-Socialist Countries, pp.193-200, Presses Interuniversitaires Europennes - Peter Lang, Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt/M, New York, Oxford, Wien..

Aulich, J., 2003. 'Western Views on Communist Perspectives'. In Znameni Doby/ Signs of the Times. Culture, Politics and Society in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-2000, pp.8-20, MIRIAD, Manchester Metropolitan University & Moravian Gallery, Brno.

Aulich, J., 2000. ''Introduction', 'Kitaj, history and tradition''. In Aulich, J., Lynch, J. (eds.) Critical Kitaj. Essays on the work of R.B.Kitaj, Introduction, Chapter 8, 1-28, 153-68, Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Internet Publications

Aulich, J., 2017. ''The Life of Images: the Iconography of the photograph of Aylan Kurdi’s Body and the Turkish polIceman'', The Iconic Image on Social Media: A Rapid Research Response to the Death of Aylan Kurdi (eds) F.Vis & O.Goriunova,

Mike Thelwall, M., Goriunova O., Vis, F., Faulkner, S., Burns. A., Aulich, J., Mas-Bleda,A., Stuart, E., D'Orazio, F., 2016. ''Chatting through pictures? A classification of images tweeted in one week in the UK and USA', Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,

Aulich, J., 2016. 'Graphic Arts and Advertising as War Propaganda', 1914-1918-online. International Encyclopedia of the First World War,

Aulich, J., 2014. 'Graphic Arts and Advertising as War Propaganda',

Journal Articles

Ikoniadou, M., Aulich, J., 2020. 'Ghost stories for grown-ups: Pictorial Matters in Times of War and Conflict', Humanities, 9 (2), 11.

Thelwall, M., Goriunova, O., Burns, A., Faulkner, S., Vis, F., Aulich, J., Mas-Bleda, A., Stuart, E., D'Orazio, F., 2016. 'Chatting through pictures? A classification of images tweeted in one week in the UK and USA', Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 67 (11), pp. 2575-2586.

Aulich, J., 2013. 'Stealing the Thunder: The Soviet Union and Graphic Propaganda on the Home Front during the Second World War', Visual Culture in Britain, 13:3, 343-366.

Aulich, J., 2011. 'The Democratic Delusion: New Media, Resistance and Revolution in Serbia 1995-2000', Digital Icons: Studies in Russian, Eurasian and Central European New Media, 5, pp. 1-21.


Aulich, J., 2006. '‘Propaganda, Publicity and the First World War’', Popular Culture and the First World War an International Conference,, University of Newcastle, March 2006.

Aulich, J., 2005. 'Artists in the Service of Criminals', The Political Poster, Congress Hall of the Municipal Library, Prague, Czech Republic, 14 March 2005.

Aulich, J., 2005. 'Plakat Group 1962-9. Posters and the Play of Politics in Prague', Czech Design, Culture and Society: Changing Climates, University of Brighton, 2 December 2005.

Aulich, J., 2004. 'Memory, Who's It good For? Blockhouses and Slave Labour in the Pas de Calais in World War Two', The Politics of Cultural Memory, Manchester Metropolitan University, 6-8 November 2004.

Aulich, J., 2003. 'The Art Historian and the Poster', Plakatkultur und offenliche Kommunikation im Neuen Europa, Veransteltet von der Wiener Stadt- und Landesbibliotek, der Gesellschaft fur Politische Aufklarung und Design Austria, Volkshalle des Wiener Rathaus, Austria, 15 October 2003.