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Friday 25 January Thursday 14 February 2019

Why don't you get a proper job?

An exhibition by graduates of 1969

10:00 - 16:30

"When we first went to Art College in the 1960s, we were often asked this question. What happened to us after graduation? Here we are exhibiting together for the first time since our Final Show 50 years ago. We all say that we have been doing a proper job."

Despite pursuing disparate paths across the globe, our Graphics and Illustration graduates of 1969 all maintained their practice in the visual arts; art direction, advertising, fine art, illustration and printmaking are all represented in their portfolio. 

In the words our graduates themselves, the exhibition will be "a legacy of our shared experience and acknowledgement of the impact on our professional lives by the School of Art."

Preview: Thursday 24th January, 17:30 - 20:00